Title 2 Transportation
Vehicle Services

2270 Requirements for Self-Insured Vehicle Owners (Formerly Reg. No. 62)
Any person in whose name more than 15 motor vehicles are registered in Delaware may qualify as a self insurer pursuant to 21 Del.C. §2904 by doing the following:
1.1 Each year the self insurer would forward to the Division a certified letter that no judgment resulting from the operation of a motor vehicle remained unsatisfied for more than 30 days.
1.2 The self insurer would forward to the Division each year a financial statement accompanied by an opinion letter from the self-insurer’s accountant that the self insurer could satisfy a 1.5 million dollar judgment as a result of the operation of a motor vehicle without, as a result, the self insurer's liabilities exceeding its assets.
1.3 The Division be notified of any judgment or settlement exceeding $250,000 obtained or agreed to by a self insurer
Upon compliance of the above requirements in satisfactory form, the Department will, in its discretion, issue an approval.