Delaware RegisterRegulations of Issue Date: January 1, 2006Volume 9 - Issue 7 Pages 1020 - 1112IN THIS ISSUE: Regulations: ProposedFinalCalendar of Events & Hearing NoticesPursuant to 29 Del.C. Chapter 11, Subchapter III, this issue of the Register contains all documents required to be published, and received, on or before December 15, 2005. DELAWARE REGISTER OF REGULATIONS The Delaware Register of Regulations is an official State publication established by authority of 69 Del. Laws, c. 107 and is published on the first of each month throughout the year. The Delaware Register will publish any regulations that are proposed to be adopted, amended or repealed and any emergency regulations promulgated. The Register will also publish some or all of the following information: •Governor’s Executive Orders •Governor’s Appointments •Agency Hearing and Meeting Notices •Other documents considered to be in the public interest. CITATION TO THE DELAWARE REGISTER The Delaware Register of Regulations is cited by volume, issue, page number and date. An example would be: 9 DE Reg. 415-420 (09/01/05) Refers to Volume 9, pages 415-420 of the Delaware Register issued on September 1, 2005. SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION The cost of a yearly subscription (12 issues) for the Delaware Register of Regulations is $135.00. Single copies are available at a cost of $12.00 per issue, including postage. For more information contact the Division of Research at 302-744-4114 or 1-800-282-8545 in Delaware. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION IN THE REGULATORY PROCESS Delaware citizens and other interested parties may participate in the process by which administrative regulations are adopted, amended or repealed, and may initiate the process by which the validity and applicability of regulations is determined. Under 29 Del.C. §10115 whenever an agency proposes to formulate, adopt, amend or repeal a regulation, it shall file notice and full text of such proposals, together with copies of the existing regulation being adopted, amended or repealed, with the Registrar for publication in the Register of Regulations pursuant to §1134 of this title. The notice shall describe the nature of the proceedings including a brief synopsis of the subject, substance, issues, possible terms of the agency action, a reference to the legal authority of the agency to act, and reference to any other regulations that may be impacted or affected by the proposal, and shall state the manner in which persons may present their views; if in writing, of the place to which and the final date by which such views may be submitted; or if at a public hearing, the date, time and place of the hearing. If a public hearing is to be held, such public hearing shall not be scheduled less than 20 days following publication of notice of the proposal in the Register of Regulations. If a public hearing will be held on the proposal, notice of the time, date, place and a summary of the nature of the proposal shall also be published in at least 2 Delaware newspapers of general circulation. The notice shall also be mailed to all persons who have made timely written requests of the agency for advance notice of its regulation-making proceedings. The opportunity for public comment shall be held open for a minimum of 30 days after the proposal is published in the Register of Regulations. At the conclusion of all hearings and after receipt, within the time allowed, of all written materials, upon all the testimonial and written evidence and information submitted, together with summaries of the evidence and information by subordinates, the agency shall determine whether a regulation should be adopted, amended or repealed and shall issue its conclusion in an order which shall include: (1) A brief summary of the evidence and information submitted; (2) A brief summary of its findings of fact with respect to the evidence and information, except where a rule of procedure is being adopted or amended; (3) A decision to adopt, amend or repeal a regulation or to take no action and the decision shall be supported by its findings on the evidence and information received; (4) The exact text and citation of such regulation adopted, amended or repealed; (5) The effective date of the order; (6) Any other findings or conclusions required by the law under which the agency has authority to act; and (7) The signature of at least a quorum of the agency members. The effective date of an order which adopts, amends or repeals a regulation shall be not less than 10 days from the date the order adopting, amending or repealing a regulation has been published in its final form in the Register of Regulations, unless such adoption, amendment or repeal qualifies as an emergency under §10119. Any person aggrieved by and claiming the unlawfulness of any regulation may bring an action in the Court for declaratory relief. No action of an agency with respect to the making or consideration of a proposed adoption, amendment or repeal of a regulation shall be subject to review until final agency action on the proposal has been taken. When any regulation is the subject of an enforcement action in the Court, the lawfulness of such regulation may be reviewed by the Court as a defense in the action. Except as provided in the preceding section, no judicial review of a regulation is available unless a complaint therefor is filed in the Court within 30 days of the day the agency order with respect to the regulation was published in the Register of Regulations. CLOSING DATES AND ISSUE DATES FOR THE DELAWARE REGISTER OF REGULATIONS ISSUE CLOSING CLOSING DATE DATE TIME FEBRUARY 1JANUARY 154:30 P.M. MARCH 1FEBRUARY 154:30 P.M. APRIL 1MARCH 154:30 P.M. MAY 1APRIL 154:30 P.M. JUNE 1MAY 154:30 P.M. DIVISION OF RESEARCH STAFF: Deborah A. Porter, Interim Supervisor; Kathleen Morris, Unit Operations Support Specialist; Jeffrey W. Hague, Registrar of Regulations; Steve Engebretsen, Assistant Registrar; Victoria Schultes, Administrative Specialist II; Lady Johnson, Administrative Specialist I; Rochelle Yerkes, Administrative Specialist II; Ruth Ann Melson, Legislative Librarian; Debbie Puzzo, Research Analyst; Judi Abbott, Administrative Specialist I; Alice W. Stark, Legislative Attorney; Ted Segletes, Paralegal; Deborah J. Messina, Print Shop Supervisor; Marvin L. Stayton, Printer; Don Sellers, Printer. Cumulative Tables........................................................ 1025 PROPOSED HARNESS RACING COMMISSION Rule 8, Veterinary Practices, Equine Health Medications........................................................... 1031 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES DIVISION OF SOCIAL SERVICES DSSM: TANF, 3006 Employment and Training......... 1033 4002 Resources..................................................... 1034 DEPARTMENT OF STATE DIVISION OF PROFESSIONAL REGULATION 1100 Board of Dental Examiners................................. 1036 2930 Council on Real Estate Appraisers...................... 1040 PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION Regulation Docket 56: Notice of Proposed Rule-making and Public Hearing Concerning Renewable Energy Portfolio Standards................ 1049 FINAL 101 On-Farm Home Food Processing Operations....... 1057 HARNESS RACING COMMISSION Rule 8, Veterinary Practices, Equine Health Medications........................................................... 1066 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY 225 Prohibition of Discrimination................................ 1069 525 Requirements for Career-Technical Education Programs............................................................... 1070 PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS BOARD 310 Certification Administrative Supervisor/Reading Coordinator........................................................... 1072 1544 Art Teacher Elementary...................................... 1073 1545 Art Teacher Secondary....................................... 1073 1549 Music Teacher Elementary................................. 1073 1550 Music Teacher Secondary................................... 1073 1552 Physical Education Teacher Elementary............ 1073 1553 Physical Education Teacher Secondary.............. 1073 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES Estate Recovery Program............................................. 1074 DIVISION OF SOCIAL SERVICES 4010 Determining Financial Eligibility and Grant Amounts for Pregnant Women in TANF and GA................................................................. 1076 Food Stamp Program................................................... 1077 DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE 1214 Senior Protection In Annuity Transactions......... 1081 DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL 1102 Permits................................................................ 1084 1144 Control of Stationary Generator Emissions........ 1084 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES 7412 TMDLs for the Chester River Watershed........... 1102 7413 TMDLs for the Choptank River Watershed....... 1102 7414 TMDLs for the Marshyhope Creek Watershed............................................................. 1102 7415 TMDLs for the Pocomoke River Watershed...... 1102 DEPARTMENT OF STATE DIVISION OF PROFESSIONAL REGULATION 3000 Board Mental Health and Chemical Dependency Professionals.................................... 1106 3500 Board of Examiners of Psychologists................. 1107 CALENDAR OF EVENTS/HEARING NOTICES Dept. of Agriculture, Harness Racing Commission, Notice of Public Hearing ...................................... 1110 State Board of Education Monthly Meeting................ 1110 Dept. of Health & Social Service, Div. of Social Services, Notice of Public Comment Periods....... 1110 Dept. of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, Div. of Soil and Water Conservation, Notice of Public Hearing....................................... 1110 Dept. of State, Div. of Professional Regulation Board of Dental Examiners, Notice of Public Hearing............................................... 1111 Council on Real Estate Appraisers, Notice of Public Hearing .......................................... 1111 Public Service Commission, Notice of Public Hearing............................................... 1111 DELAWARE COUNCIL ON POLICE TRAINING Minimum Standards for Firearms Qualifications..........................................................................9 DE Reg. 488 (Prop.) 9 DE Reg. 768 (Final) DELAWARE RIVER BASIN COMMISSION Proposed Amendment to the Basin Regulations Water Supply Charges and Comprehensive Plan Relating to Certificates of Entitlement...........................................................................9 DE Reg. 674 (Prop.) DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIVISION OF PROFESSIONAL REGULATION Moved to Department of State, 75 Del. Laws, Ch. 88, June 30, 2005. PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION Moved to Department of State, 75 Del. Laws, Ch. 88, June 30, 2005. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY 101 On-Farm Home Food Processing Operations..................................................................9 DE Reg. 12 (Prop.) 225 Prohibition of Discrimination..........................................................................................9 DE Reg. 676 (Prop.) 525 Requirements for Career-Technical Education Programs ..............................................9 DE Reg. 677 (Prop.) HARNESS RACING COMMISSION 502 Delaware Standardbred Breeders’ Fund..........................................................................9 DE Reg. 111 (Final) Rule 8, Veterinary Practices, Equine Health Medications......................................................9 DE Reg. 491 (Prop.) NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT 1201 Nutrient Management Certification Regulations...........................................................9 DE Reg. 305 (Prop.) 9 DE Reg. 966 (Final) DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY 101 Delaware Student Testing Program.................................................................................9 DE Reg. 839 (Prop.) 106 Teacher Appraisal Process Delaware Performance Appraisal System (DPAS II)...........9 DE Reg. 533 (Final) Specialist Appraisal Process Delaware Performance Appraisal System (DPAS II)........9 DE Reg. 539 (Final) 235 Teacher of the Year Award..............................................................................................9 DE Reg. 846 (Prop.) 275 Charter Schools................................................................................................................9 DE Reg. 19 (Prop.) 9 DE Reg. 387 (Final) 396 Private Business and Trade Schools................................................................................9 DE Reg. 493 (Prop.) 9 DE Reg. 967 (Final) 405 Minor Capitol Improvement Program.............................................................................9 DE Reg. 496 (Prop.) 9 DE Reg. 970 (Final) 710 Public School Employees Work Day...............................................................................9 DE Reg. 847 (Prop.) 716 Maintenance of Local School District Personnel Records..............................................9 DE Reg. 27 (Prop.) 9 DE Reg. 395 (Final) 727 Credit for Experience for Educators and for Secretarial Staff.........................................9 DE Reg. 28 (Prop.) 727 Credit for Experience for Educators and for Secretarial Staff.........................................9 DE Reg. 396 (Final) 764 (Previously 364) Credentials for an Interpreter Tutor for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing 9 DE Reg. 113 (Final) 765 (Previously 365) Credentials for a Resident Advisor in the Statewide Programs for Autism and for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing................................................................9 DE Reg. 115 (Final) 920 Educational Programs for Students with Limited English Proficiency...........................9 DE Reg. 30 (Prop.) 9 DE Reg. 398 (Final) 930 Supportive Instruction (Homebound)..............................................................................9 DE Reg. 34 (Prop.) 9 DE Reg. 402 (Final) 1006 Delaware Interscholastic Athletic Association (DIAA)................................................9 DE Reg. 117 (Final) 1008 DIAA Junior High/Middle School Interscholastic Athletics ........................................9 DE Reg. 124 (Final) 1009 DIAA Senior High School Interscholastic Athletics.....................................................9 DE Reg. 126 (Final) 1105 School Transportation....................................................................................................9 DE Reg. 35 (Prop.) 9 DE Reg. 404 (Final) PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS BOARD 310 Certification Administrative Supervisor/Reading Coordinator ....................................9 DE Reg. 679 (Prop.) 324 Driver Education and Traffic Safety Education Teacher.................................................9 DE Reg. 46 (Prop.) 332 Certification Technology Education Teacher...................................................................9 DE Reg. 49 (Prop.) 370 Certification Teacher of Autistic/Severely Disabled Children........................................9 DE Reg. 51 (Prop.) 1513 Denial of Licenses.........................................................................................................9 DE Reg. 138 (Final) 1514 Revocation of Licenses and Certificates........................................................................9 DE Reg. 553 (Final) 1515 Emergency Certificate...................................................................................................9 DE Reg. 555 (Final) 1516 Standard Certificate.......................................................................................................9 DE Reg. 849 (Prop.) 1518 Special Institute for Teacher Licensure and Certification..............................................9 DE Reg. 498 (Prop.) 9 DE Reg. 852 (Prop.) 1519 Alternative Routes to Teacher Licensure and Certification...........................................9 DE Reg. 501 (Prop.) 9 DE Reg. 971 (Final) 1522 Standard Certificate Business Education Teacher.........................................................9 DE Reg. 504 (Prop.) 1528 Standard Certificate Foreign Language Teacher Comprehensive..................................9 DE Reg. 54 (Prop.) 9 DE Reg. 558 (Final) 1529 Standard Certificate Foreign Language Teacher Secondary, Repeal of.........................9 DE Reg. 57 (Prop.) 1533 Standard Certificate Foreign Language Teacher Elementary, Repeal of.......................9 DE Reg. 58 (Prop.) 1544 Art Teacher Elementary.................................................................................................9 DE Reg. 680 (Prop.) 1545 Art Teacher Secondary...................................................................................................9 DE Reg. 680 (Prop.) 1549 Music Teacher Elementary............................................................................................9 DE Reg. 680 (Prop.) 1550 Music Teacher Secondary..............................................................................................9 DE Reg. 680 (Prop.) 1552 Physical Education Teacher Elementary........................................................................9 DE Reg. 680 (Prop.) 1553 Physical Education Teacher Secondary.........................................................................9 DE Reg. 680 (Prop.) 1564 Standard Certificate Driver Education and Traffic Safety Education Teacher..............9 DE Reg. 545 (Final) 1565 Standard Certificate School-To-Work Transition Teacher............................................9 DE Reg. 136 (Final) 1568 Standard Certificate Technology Education Teacher.....................................................9 DE Reg. 547 (Final) 1571 Standard Certificate Teacher of Students with Autism or Severe Disabilities..............9 DE Reg. 550 (Final) 1584 Permits Paraeducators....................................................................................................9 DE Reg. 139 (Final) 9 DE Reg. 232 (Final) DEPARTMENT OF ELECTIONS FOR NEW CASTLE COUNTY OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Security and Integrity of the Absentee Voting Process...........................................................9 DE Reg. 855 (Prop.) DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE DIVISION OF REVENUE Abandoned or Unclaimed Property Voluntary Disclosure Agreement and Audit Programs 9 DE Reg. 771 (Final) DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES DIVISION OF MEDICAID AND MEDICAL ASSISTANCE Chronic Renal Disease Program.............................................................................................9 DE Reg. 860 (Prop.) Estate Recovery Program........................................................................................................9 DE Reg. 684 (Prop.) Liens and Adjustments or Recoveries....................................................................................9 DE Reg. 684 (Prop.) Long Term Care Medicaid......................................................................................................9 DE Reg. 521 (Prop.) 9 DE Reg. 996 (Final) 9 DE Reg. 859 (Prop.) Long Term Care Nursing Facilities.........................................................................................9 DE Reg. 509 (Prop.) 9 DE Reg. 978 (Final) Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Program..........................................................................9 DE Reg. 319 (Prop.) 9 DE Reg. 775 (Final) Pharmaceutical Services, Mail Order Pharmacy Services......................................................9 DE Reg. 508 (Prop.) Pharmaceutical Services, Multi-State Pooling Rebate Program.............................................9 DE Reg. 506 (Prop.) 9 DE Reg. 975 (Final) Title XIX Medicaid State Plan Inpatient Hospital Services...................................................9 DE Reg. 326 (Prop.) 9 DE Reg. 783 (Final) DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH 4202 Control of Communicable and Other Disease Conditions.............................................9 DE Reg. 861 (Prop.) 4406 Home Health Agencies (Licensure)...............................................................................9 DE Reg. 880 (Prop.) 4462 Public Drinking Water Systems.....................................................................................9 DE Reg. 59 (Prop.) 9 DE Reg. 306 (Prop.) 9 DE Reg. 999 (Final) 4466 Radiation Technologists/Technicians (Certification ...................................................9 DE Reg. 902 (Prop.) 4468 Delivery of Hospice Services........................................................................................9 DE Reg. 415 (Final) 4469 Regulations Governing a Detailed Plumbing Code.......................................................9 DE Reg. 307 (Prop.) 9 DE Reg. 786 (Final) DIVISION OF SOCIAL SERVICES Child Care Development Fund State Plan for the period October 1, 2004 through September 30, 2005.........................................................................................................9 DE Reg. 562 (Final) Child Care Subsidy Program..................................................................................................9 DE Reg. 931 (Prop.) Delaware Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) State Plan Renewal...............9 DE Reg. 907 (Prop.) Food Stamp Program..............................................................................................................9 DE Reg. 691 (Prop.) Food Stamp Program, Sections 9016.2, 9039.1, 9041.1, 9063.1, 9078.1 and 9079.1............9 DE Reg. 800 (Final) Title XIX Medicaid State Plan, Pages 2-7, Attachment 1.2-A, Attachment 1.2-B, Attachment 1.2-C and Attachment 1.2-D........................................................................9 DE Reg. 802 (Final) DSSM: 1005 Case Record Maintenance and Retention...............................................................9 DE Reg. 523 (Prop.) 9 DE Reg. 1001 (Final) 3004.1.1 TANF Joint Custody.........................................................................................9 DE Reg. 928 (Prop.) 3006.6 Senate Bill 101- 1999 and Employment & Training Activities.. ...............9 DE Reg. 328 (Prop.) 9 DE Reg. 798 (Final) 4004 Earned Income.......................................................................................................9 DE Reg. 168 (Prop.) 9 DE Reg. 564 (Final) 8028.1 Sources of Earned Income...................................................................................9 DE Reg. 930 (Prop.) 9059 Income Exclusions..................................................................................................9 DE Reg. 60 (Prop.) 9 DE Reg. 426 (Final) 9 DE Reg. 477 (Errata) 9074 Self Employment Income......................................................................................9 DE Reg. 168 (Prop.) 9 DE Reg. 564 (Final) 9075 Procedures for Calculating Income Which Can Be Annualized............................9 DE Reg. 168 (Prop.) 9 DE Reg. 564 (Final) 9093 Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT).........................................................................9 DE Reg. 235 (Final) 11000 Child Care Subsidy Program................................................................................9 DE Reg. 175 (Prop.) 11003Eligibility Requirements........................................................................................9 DE Reg. 168 (Prop.) 9 DE Reg. 564 (Final) 14960 Establishing a Cumulative Maximum on Pharmacy Co-Payments......................9 DE Reg. 164 (Emer.) 9 DE Reg. 173 (Prop.) 9 DE Reg. 569 (Final) 15120 Low Income Families With Children Under Section 1931.................................9 DE Reg. 168 (Prop.) 9 DE Reg. 564 (Final) 16230 Financial Eligibility..............................................................................................9 DE Reg. 168 (Prop.) 9 DE Reg. 564 (Final) 17300 Qualified Medicare Beneficiaries .......................................................................9 DE Reg. 168 (Prop.) 9 DE Reg. 564 (Final) 20103 Financial Eligibility Determination......................................................................9 DE Reg. 521 (Prop.) 20200 Excluded Income..................................................................................................9 DE Reg. 239 (Final) 20210.............................................................................................................................9 DE Reg. 168 (Prop.) 9 DE Reg. 564 (Final) 20310 Reparations...........................................................................................................9 DE Reg. 239 (Final) 20700.4.5 Illness or Hospitalization................................................................................9 DE Reg. 522 (Prop.) 9 DE Reg. 998 (Final) 20810 Treatment of Couples in Medical Assistance.......................................................9 DE Reg. 142 (Final) 20910.10, Community Spouse Resource Allowance......................................................9 DE Reg. 70 (Prop.) 20950 Initial Eligibility Determinations..........................................................................9 DE Reg. 70 (Prop.) Child Care Subsidy Program..................................................................................................9 DE Reg. 572 (Final) Pharmaceutical Services Program..........................................................................................9 DE Reg. 6 (Emer.) 9 DE Reg. 73 (Prop.) Refugee Cash Assistance........................................................................................................9 DE Reg. 930 (Prop.) State Plan for Child Care Development Fund for the period October 1, 2003 through September 30, 2005.........................................................................................................9 DE Reg. 167 (Prop.) Title XIX Medicaid State Plan: Attachment 2.6-A, Page 26a (New Page) and Supplement 13 to Attachment 2.6A;.........................................................................................................9 DE Reg. 70 (Prop.) Title XIX Medicaid State Plan, Attachment 3.1-A, Page 5 Addendum, 5a Addendum, 5b Addendum.......................................................................................................................9 DE Reg. 420 (Final) Title XIX Medicaid State Plan, Establishing a Cumulative Maximum on Pharmacy Copayments.....................................................................................................................9 DE Reg. 164 (Emer.) 9 DE Reg. 173 (Prop.) 9 DE Reg. 569 (Final) DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE 504 Continuing Education for Insurance Agents, Brokers, Surplus Lines Brokers and Consultants............................................................................................................................9 DE Reg. 939 (Prop.) 607 Defensive Driving Course Discount (Automobiles and Motorcycles)...................................9 DE Reg. 524 (Prop.) 9 DE Reg. 944 (Prop.) 702 Required Disclosures for Residential Homeowners...............................................................9 DE Reg. 438 (Final) 703 Prohibited Practices Related to the Nonrenewal of Residential Homeowners Policies.........9 DE Reg. 196 (Prop.) 9 DE Reg. 593 (Final) 907 Records Relating to Consumer Complaints............................................................................9 DE Reg. 197 (Prop.) 9 DE Reg. 595 (Final) 1214 Senior Protection In Annuity Transactions...........................................................................9 DE Reg. 693 (Prop.) 1310 Standards for Prompt, Fair and Equitable Settlement of Claims for Health Care Services.........................................................................................................................9 DE Reg. 240 (Final) DEPARTMENT OF LABOR DIVISION OF EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING 106 Apprenticeship and Training Regulations........................................................................9 DE Reg. 199 (Prop.) 9 DE Reg. 806 (Final) DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL DIVISION OF AIR & WASTE MANAGEMENT 1102 Permits..........................................................................................................................9 DE Reg. 207 (Prop.) 1144 Control of Stationary Generator Emissions...................................................................9 DE Reg. 207 (Prop.) 1125 Requirements for Preconstruction Review....................................................................9 DE Reg. 246 (Final) 1201 Accidental Release Prevention Regulation....................................................................9 DE Reg. 696 (Prop.) DIVISION OF FISH & WILDLIFE Shellfish: 3210 Horseshoe Crab Reporting Requirements..............................................................9 DE Reg. 9 (Emer.) DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES 5102 Regulation Governing Beach Protection and the Use of Beaches ...............................9 DE Reg. 737 (Prop.) 7203 Regulations Governing the Control of Water Pollution, Section 9.4, Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation..............................................................................................9 DE Reg. 440 (Final) 7410 TMDL’s for the Naamans Creek Watershed..................................................................9 DE Reg. 224 (Prop.) 9 DE Reg. 1002 (Final) 7411 TMDL’s for the Shellpot Creek Watershed....................................................................9 DE Reg. 224 (Prop.) 9 DE Reg. 1002 (Final) 7412 TMDL’s for the Chester River.......................................................................................9 DE Reg. 529 (Prop.) 7413 TMDL’s for the Choptank River....................................................................................9 DE Reg. 529 (Prop.) 7414 TMDL’s for the Marshyhope Creek...............................................................................9 DE Reg. 529 (Prop.) 7415 TMDL’s for the Pocomoke River Watersheds...............................................................9 DE Reg. 529 (Prop.) Regulations Governing Storm Water Discharges Associated with Industrial Activities........9 DE Reg. 329 (Prop.) DEPARTMENT OF STATE DIVISION OF PROFESSIONAL REGULATION 1100 Board of Dental Examiners............................................................................................9 DE Reg. 77 (Final) 1400 Board of Electrical Examiners.......................................................................................9 DE Reg. 260 (Final) 9 DE Reg. 949 (Prop.) 1900 Board of Nursing...........................................................................................................9 DE Reg. 226 (Prop.) 9 DE Reg. 815 (Final) 2000 Board of Occupational Therapists.................................................................................9 DE Reg. 598 (Final) 2500 Board of Pharmacy........................................................................................................9 DE Reg. 85 (Final) 9 DE Reg. 951 (Prop.) 3000 Board of Mental Health and Chemical Dependency Professionals...............................9 DE Reg. 231 (Prop.) 3100 Board of Funeral Services..............................................................................................9 DE Reg. 262 (Final) 3500 Board of Examiners of Psychologists............................................................................9 DE Reg. 373 (Prop.) 9 DE Reg. 452 (Final) 9 DE Reg. 487 (Errata) 3600 Board of Registration of Geologists..............................................................................9 DE Reg. 456 (Final) 3700 Board of Examiners of Speech/Language Pathologists, Audiologists & Hearing Aid Dispensers.......................................................................................................................9 DE Reg. 964 (Prop.) 3900 Board of Clinical Social Work Examiners.....................................................................9 DE Reg. 265 (Final) 5200 Board of Nursing Home Administrators........................................................................9 DE Reg. 104 (Final) OFFICE OF THE STATE BANKING COMMISSIONER 904 Exceptions to Tying Restrictions.....................................................................................9 DE Reg. 532 (Prop.) 9 DE Reg. 1004 (Final) PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION Regulation Docket No. 10, Sale, Resale and Other Provisions of Intrastate Telecommun- ications Services..............................................................................................................9 DE Reg. 375 (Prop.) Regulation Docket No. 45, Development of Regulations for the Facilitation of Competitive Entry into the Telecommunications Local Exchange Servicemarket..............................9 DE Reg. 375 (Prop.) Regulation Docket No. 50, The Consideration of Rules, Standards, and Indices to Ensure Reliable Electrical Service by Electric Distribution Companies ....................................9 DE Reg. 756 (Prop.) Regulation Docket No. 55, Regarding the Minimum Standards for Service Provided by Public Wastewater Utilities Subject to the Jurisdiction of the Delaware Public Service Commission.....................................................................................................................9 DE Reg. 105 (Final) DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF PLANNING AND POLICY Delaware Bicycle Facility Master Plan..................................................................................9 DE Reg. 607 (Final) GOVERNOR’S OFFICE Appointments...............................................................................................................................9 DE Reg. 47 9 DE Reg. 268 9 DE Reg. 459 9 DE Reg. 620 9 DE Reg. 1008 Executive Order No. 68, Establishing the Health Disparities Task Force.....................................9 DE Reg. 144 Executive Order No. 69, Establishing a Committee to Recommend Options for Providing Additional Funding to, and Accelerating the Construction of, Needed Improvements Overseen by the Delaware Department of Transportation .....................................................9 DE Reg. 145 Executive Order No. 70, State Employees and the Right to Organization and Effective Union Representation.......................................................................................................................9 DE Reg. 458 Executive Order No. 71, Directing the Delaware Emergency Management Agency to Organize Volunteers for Response Efforts Involving Hurricane Katrina and its Aftermath..................9 DE Reg. 620 Executive Order No. 72, Declaring a State of Emergency Due to Hurricane Katrina and its Aftermath....................................................................................................................9 DE Reg. 821 Executive Order No. 73, Establishing a Delaware Healthy Mother and Infant Consortium ........9 DE Reg. 821 Executive Order No. 74, Directing the Delaware Emergency Management Agency to Organize Volunteers for Response Efforts Involving Hurricane Rita and Its Aftermath .....................9 DE Reg. 822 Executive Order No. 75, Establishing the Governor’s Mentoring Initiative.................................9 DE Reg. 822 Executive Order No. 76, Regarding Management of Labor Relations and Administrative Proceedings in State Government...........................................................................................9 DE Reg. 1006 SUBSCRIBE TO THE OFFICIAL SOURCE OF COMPLETE INFORMATION ON DELAWARE STATE REGULATIONS THE DELAWARE REGISTER OF REGULATIONS A single-source document for regulatory information, including proposed and adopted text of state regulations, all emergency regulations, Governors Executive Orders and Appointments, Attorney General Opinions, General Notices and notices of public hearings and open meetings of state agencies. 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