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Division of Transportation Solutions

Traffic Engineering Section

Statutory Authority: 21 Delaware Code, Section 4505(d)(2) (21 Del.C. §4505(d)(2))



Senate Bill 89 as amended by Senate Amendment 1 - Town of Kenton

April 25, 2023

Town of Kenton

284 S. Main Street

P.O. Box 102

Kenton, DE 19955

Mayor Paul Caple,

The Delaware General Assembly introduced Senate Bill 89 as amended by Senate Amendment 1 on March 18, 2021. The legislation which relates to traffic control devices for size and weight of vehicles and loads was subsequently signed by Governor Carney on June 30, 2021.

The legislation, which amends §4505 of Title 21 of the Delaware Code, provides as follows:

§4505. Traffic control devices.

(d)(2) An incorporated municipality exercising its authority under § 134(e) of Title 17 shall submit notice of the municipality's action to the Registrar of Regulations for publication in the Register of Regulations. For a state-maintained highway, the notice must include a certification from the Department that the notice has been approved by the Department. The Secretary shall publish the notice on the Department's website with orders issued by the Department under paragraph (d)(1) of this section.

In accordance with 21 Del. C. §4505(d)(2), the Delaware Department of Transportation, Traffic Engineering Section, hereby certifies, as authorized by the Secretary of the Department of Transportation pursuant to 21 Del. C. §4505, that it has approved the below restriction proposed by Town of Kenton.

"Trucks with three or more axles should be prohibited " on all municipal streets within the Town of Kenton

Please accept this certification by the Delaware Department of Transportation in order to enable the Town of Kenton to publish the information in the Register of Regulations.

Thank you,

Peter R. Haag, P.E.

Chief of Traffic Engineering

*Please note: A copy of the accompanying resolution is attached here as a PDF document: - Resolution - TOWN OF KENTON.pdf

26 DE Reg. 1082 (06/01/23) (Gen. Notice)