Division of Social Services
DSSM Food Supplement Program
Utility Expenses; Liquid Resources and Loans; Continuing Shelter Charges; Household Size; and, Verification Subsequent to Initial Certification
In compliance with the State's Administrative Procedures Act (APA - Title 29, Chapter 101 of the Delaware Code) and under the authority of Title 31 of the Delaware Code, Chapter 5, Section 512, Delaware Health and Social Services (DHSS) / Division of Social Services is proposing to amend Food Supplement Program policies in the Division of Social Services Manual (DSSM) regarding Utility Expenses; Liquid Resources and Loans; Continuing Shelter Charges; Household Size; and, Verification Subsequent to Initial Certification.
Any person who wishes to make written suggestions, compilations of data, testimony, briefs or other written materials concerning the proposed new regulations must submit same to Sharon L. Summers, Policy, Program & Development Unit, Division of Social Services, 1901 North DuPont Highway, P.O. Box 906, New Castle, Delaware 19720-0906 or by fax to (302) 255-4425 by June 30, 2009.
The action concerning the determination of whether to adopt the proposed regulation will be based upon the results of Department and Division staff analysis and the consideration of the comments and written materials filed by other interested persons.
The proposed changes described below amend Food Supplement Program (FSP) policies in the Division of Social Services Manual (DSSM) regarding Utility Expenses; Liquid Resources and Loans; Continuing Shelter Charges; Household Size; and, Verification Subsequent to Initial Certification.
Statutory Authority
Summary of Proposed Changes
The purpose of the proposed changes is to simplify the verification process and remove rules not required by the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), as follows:
DSSM 9032.3, Utility Expenses: The change makes clear that staff only verify the utility that is needed to give the household the appropriate Standard Utility Allowance (SUA). Revised policy adds clarification that addresses utilities for unoccupied homes.
DSSM 9032.8, Liquid Resources and Loans: The change removes this verification which is not mandatory under federal guidelines. Therefore, DSSM 9032.8 is “Reserved”. DSSM 9059 excludes loans which have to be repaid from counting as income. DSSM 9038 allows the Division of Social Services (DSS) to verify any information that is questionable.
DSSM 9032.9, Continuing Shelter Charges: The change corrects the text that this section applies only to initial certifications, not recertifications.
DSSM 9032.11, Household Size: The change removes this requirement to verify household size which is not mandated by federal rules. Therefore, DSSM 9032.11 is “Reserved”. DSSM 9038 allows DSS to verify any information that is questionable.
DSSM 9038, Verification Subsequent to Initial Certification: The change relaxes the verification rules for recertification to more align them with federal rules.
9032.3 Utility Expenses
If a household wishes to claim expenses for an unoccupied home, verify the actual utility expenses in every case and do not use the standard utility allowance.
For those households entitled to the heating/cooling or limited standard utility allowance as specified in DSSM 9060, verify that the household actually incurs a utility expense, although there is no need to verify the amount of the expense.
Do not verify more than one utility, except for the limited utility allowance, unless questionable in accordance with DSSM 9033 .
For those households entitled to the one-utility standard, verify the actual amount of the utility at each application and recertification.
Verify only the utility (or utilities) needed for the household to receive one of the four Standard Utility Allowances.
Heating and Cooling SUA
Limited SUA
One Utility SUA
Phone SUA
Utilities for Unoccupied Homes per 9060 F(4)
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9032.8 Liquid Resources and Loans
When verifying whether funds are exempt as a loan, a legally binding agreement is not required. A statement signed by both parties which indicates that the payment is a loan and must be repaid will be sufficient verification. However, if the household receives payments on a recurrent or regular basis from the same source but claims the payments are loans, also require that the provider of the loan sign a statement which states that repayments are being made or that payments will be made in accordance with an established repayment schedule. Reserved
9032.9 Continuing Shelter Charges
Verify shelter costs at initial application, at recertification, and when shelter expense change if allowing the expense could potentially result in a deduction expenses if the expense is a potential deduction.
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9032.11 Household Size
Verification will be accomplished through a collateral contact or readily available documentary evidence. Any documents which reasonably establish household size must be accepted and no requirement for a specific type of document may be imposed.
Examples of acceptable documentary evidence which the applicant may provide include, but are not limited to, school records, draft cards, census records, marriage records, or those examples listed in DSSM 9032.7 .
Factors involving household composition will not be verified unless questionable in accordance with DSSM 9033.
For example, a client applied for a family size of six. He provides the birth certificates or social security numbers for each member. Household size is verified. No other verifications are needed.
If a client applied for six members and his/her lease indicates eight people live there, household size is questionable. Staff then need to ask for a collateral statement or landlord form Reserved
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9038 Verification Subsequent to Initial Certification Verification for Recertifications and Interim Changes
[273.2(f)(8)] [7 CFR 273.2(f)(8)]
A. Recertification - Verify all income at each recertification. Verify shelter and utility expenses at each recertification. Previously unreported medical expenses and total recurring medical expenses which have changed by more than $25 shall also be verified at recertification. Do not verify total medical expenses claimed by households which are unchanged or have changed by $25 or less, unless the information is incomplete, inaccurate, inconsistent, or outdated.
Verify any changes in the legal obligation to pay child support, the obligated amount, and the amount of actual payments made to nonhousehold members for households eligible for the child support deduction. Verify unchanged child support payments only if questionable.
Verify newly obtained Social Security Numbers at recertification according to procedures outlined in DSSM 9032.5 .
Other information which has changed may be verified at recertification. Do not verify unchanged information unless the information is incomplete, inaccurate, inconsistent, or outdated.
Changes - Changes reported during the certification period are subject to the same verification procedures as apply at initial certification. Verify all changes in income. Verify all changes in shelter and utility expenses. Do not verify total medical expenses unless the information is incomplete, inaccurate, inconsistent, or outdated.
Guidelines for determining if information is outdated:
For individuals who are satisfying the ABAWD work requirements by working, by combining work and participation in a work program, or by participating in a work or workfare program that is not operated or supervised by the State, the individuals' work hours shall be verified.
A. At recertification, verify:
Do not verify:
B. For changes reported during the certification period, verify:
Do not verify: