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Department of Health and Social Services

Division of Public Health

Statutory Authority: 16 Delaware Code, Section 7906(e) (16 Del.C. §7906(e))
16 DE Admin. Code 4455



4455 Delaware Regulations Governing a Detailed Plumbing Code

The Department of Health and Social Services, Division of Public Health is proposing regulations which amend Title 16 of the Delaware Code relating to the adoption and enforcement of a Unified Plumbing Code. Title 16, Section 7906(e), created by House Bill 488 and signed into law on July 27, 2010, requires that the Division of Public Health shall issue plumbing permits and shall assess a $100 fee for each permit, except that no permit shall be required or fee assessed for the replacement of an existing fixture, piece of equipment or related piping, including but not limited to hot water heaters and water conditioning systems. The Division of Public Health has proposed amended regulations governing a Detailed Plumbing Code to address this mandate. On December 1, 2010, the Division plans to publish proposed amendments to the Delaware Regulations Governing a Detailed Plumbing Code and hold them out for public comment per Delaware law.


The Health Systems Protection Section, under the Division of Public Health, Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS), will hold a public hearing to discuss proposed amendments to the Delaware Regulations Governing a Detailed Plumbing Code. Title 16, Section 7906(e), created by House Bill 488 and signed into law on July 27, 2010, requires that the Division of Public Health shall issue plumbing permits and shall assess a $100 fee for each permit, except that no permit shall be required or fee assessed for the replacement of an existing fixture, piece of equipment or related piping, including but not limited to hot water heaters and water conditioning systems. The Division of Public Health has proposed amended regulations governing a Detailed Plumbing Code to address this mandate.

The public hearing will be held on December 22, 2010 at 10:00 a.m. in the Third Floor Conference Room, located in the Jesse Cooper Building, 417 Federal Street, Dover, Delaware.

Copies of the proposed regulations are available for review in the November 1, 2010 edition of the Delaware Register of Regulations, accessible online at: or by calling the Office of Health Systems Protection at (302) 856-5496.

Anyone wishing to present his or her oral comments at this hearing should contact Ms. Deborah Harvey at (302) 744-4700 by December 20, 2010. Anyone wishing to submit written comments as a supplement to or in lieu of oral testimony should submit such comments by December 31, 2010 to:

Deborah Harvey, Hearing Officer

Division of Public Health

417 Federal Street

Dover, DE 19901

Fax (302) 739-6659

4455 Delaware Regulations Governing a Detailed Plumbing Code

1.0 State of Delaware Plumbing Code

These Regulations shall hereby be known as the “State of Delaware Plumbing Code”.

2.0 Adoption of International Plumbing Code.

The State of Delaware Plumbing Code adopts, as if fully set forth herein, “The International Plumbing Code 2009” as amended herein:

2.1 Amend Subsection 101.1 by deleting the subsection in its entirety.

2.2 Amend Subsection 101.2 by deleting the subsection in its entirety and by inserting in lieu thereof the following: “The provisions of this Code shall apply to the erection, installation, alteration, repair, relocation, replacement, addition to, use or maintenance of plumbing systems within this jurisdiction.”

2.3 Amend Subsection 102.2 by deleting the subsection in its entirety and by inserting in lieu thereof the following: “The legal use and occupancy of any structure existing on the effective date of this Code, or for which it had been heretofore approved, may be continued without change except as may be specifically covered in this Code or deemed necessary by the Deputy Code Official(s) for the general safety and welfare of the occupants and the public.

Exception: Except that upon change of permit holder in facilities and operations regulated by the Delaware Division of Public Health such systems shall comply with the requirements of this Code and applicable regulations promulgated and standards established by the Delaware Division of Public Health.”

2.4 Amend Subsection 102.4 by deleting the second paragraph in its entirety.

2.45 Amend Subsection 102.10 by deleting the words “local, state or federal law” and inserting in lieu thereof the following: “the Delaware Code.”

2.56 Amend Subsection 104.1 by deleting the subsection in its entirety and by inserting in lieu thereof the following: “For the purpose of this document the term “Code Official” refers to the Secretary of the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services, or his/her designee. “Plumbing Inspectors” shall have such duties and powers as are enumerated in Title 16, Section 7907 of the Delaware Code and shall have the authority of a Deputy Code Official as referenced in Section 103.3 of this Code.”

2.67 Amend Subsection 106.6.3 by adding thereto a new numbered paragraph following numbered paragraph “3” to read as follows: “4. The State of Delaware Plumbing Code Office does not refund plumbing permit fees.” Amend Subsection 106.1 by adding a new sentence at the end of the subsection paragraph to read as follows: “The Division of Public Health shall issue plumbing permits and a $100 fee shall be assessed for all plumbing permits issued by the Division of Public Health. All revenue generated shall be retained by the Division of Public Health in order to defray costs associated with the plumbing inspection program.”

2.7.1 Amend Subsection 106.2 by adding thereto a new numbered paragraph following numbered paragraph “2” to read as follows: “3. No permit or fee is required by the Division of Public Health for the replacement of an existing fixture, piece of equipment or related piping, including but not limited to hot water heaters and water conditioning systems.”

2.7.2 Amend Subsection 106.2 by adding thereto a new numbered paragraph following paragraph “3” to read as follows: “4. The relocation of any plumbing fixture and related pipe requires a permit.”

2.7.3 Amend Subsection 106.2 by adding thereto a new numbered paragraph following paragraph “4” to read as follows: “5. Any new non potable fixture, piece of equipment, or system that connects to the potable water supply shall require a permit and shall meet the provisions of this Code.”

2.7.4 Amend Subsection 106.6.3 by adding thereto a new numbered paragraph following paragraph “3” to read as follows: “4. The Division of Public Health does not refund plumbing permit fees.”

2.78 Amend Subsection 108.1 by deleting the subsection in its entirety and by inserting in lieu thereof the following: “It shall be unlawful for any person to work as a licensed plumber in the State of Delaware unless such person has received a license from the Delaware Department of Administrative Services, Division of Professional Regulation, showing that said person has been duly licensed as a plumber, except as provided by Title 24, Section 1807(c) of the Delaware Code, and has a permit issued by the Delaware Division of Public Health.

Exception: The homeowner of a single-family residence occupied, or to be occupied by the homeowner and not for sale, rent or lease, may perform plumbing work only on such residence itself or auxiliary structures, and in compliance with a permit issued by the Delaware Division of Public Health, or applicable authority, and in compliance with all provisions of these regulations.”

2.89 Amend Subsection 108.4 by deleting the subsection in its entirety and by inserting in lieu thereof the following: “Any person who shall violate any provisions of this Code, or shall fail to comply with the requirements thereof, or who shall install plumbing work in violation of an approved plan or directive of the Code Official or the Deputy Code Official(s), or of a permit or certificate issued under the provisions of this Code, shall be subject to penalties as provided by Title 16, Chapter 79 of the Delaware Code.”

2.910 Amend Subsection 108.5 by deleting the words: “shall be liable to a fine of not less than [AMOUNT] dollars or more than [AMOUNT] dollars” as it appears therein and inserting in lieu thereof the following: “shall be subject to penalties as provided by Title 16, Chapters 1 and 79 of the Delaware Code.”

2.1011 Section 202 General Definitions

2.1011.1 Amend Section 202 by adding thereto a new definition after the definition “Leader” and before the definition “Local Vent Stack” to read as follows: “Licensed Plumber. A person who has complied with the provisions of the Delaware Division of Professional Regulation and the Board of Plumbing Examiners, and has further met the certification, testing, bonding, and licensing requirements of the jurisdiction in which he/she plans to engage in the business of plumbing. A Licensed Plumber shall be recognized as being responsible for all work performed under a plumbing permit issued by the Delaware Division of Public Health.”

2.1011.2 Amend Section 202 by adding thereto a new definition after the definition “Soil Pipe” and before the definition “Spillproof Vacuum Breaker” to read as follows: “Solvent cement. The sealant used to connect pipes and fittings. This Code prohibits the use of all purpose glue in any reference to solvent cement.”

2.1011.3 Amend Section 202 by adding thereto a new definition after the definition “Sump Vent” and before the definition “Supports” to read as follows: “Supervision of Work. Work completed under the permit of a licensed plumber while employed by the licensed plumber, or the same firm, partnership, corporation, or owners of the company as the licensed plumber.”

2.11.4 Amend Section 202 by amending the definition of “Building Drain” by deleting the reference “30” between the words “extends” and “inches” and replacing with the words “5 feet”.”

2.1112 Amend Subsection 305.6.1 by deleting the subsection in its entirety.

2.1213 Amend Subsection 312.3 by adding thereto after the last sentence the following: In lieu of the presence of the Deputy Code Official witnessing the test, the Licensed Plumber may certify in writing upon a prescribed form that the plumbing system piping is in accordance with Section 312 of these regulations. This shall be applicable between November 1 and April 1 of each calendar year.”

2.1314 Amend Subsection 312.4 by deleting the subsection in its entirety.

2.1415 Amend Subsection 404.1 by deleting the subsection in its entirety and by inserting in lieu thereof the following: “All regulations pertaining to handicapped facilities in the International Plumbing Code will be governed by the most recent edition of the “American National Standards Institute (ANSI).”

2.1516 Amend Section 407 by adding thereto a new subsection after subsection 407.4 to read as follows: “407.5 Overflow devices. Overflow devices on all bathtubs shall be evaluated by the Division of Public Health on a case by case basis.”

2.1617 Amend Subsection 502.1 by adding thereto after the last sentence the following: “The first 12 inches of both hot and cold water lines shall be thermally rated for maximum water temperature produced by the hot water heater.”

2.1718 Amend Subsection 504.6 by adding thereto a new numbered paragraph after numbered paragraph “13” to read as follows: “14. The discharge valve shall be equipped with an approved heat transfer fitting or metallic pipe.”

2.1819 Amend Table 604.3 by adding thereto in the second row, first column, after the words “Bathtub, balanced-pressure, thermostatic or combination balanced pressure/thermostatic mixing valve” the following: “for hand held shower fixtures.”

2.1920 Amend Table 605.3 by deleting in the parenthetical in the seventh row, first column after the words “Copper or copper-alloy tubing” the letters “M” and “WM”.

2.2021 Amend Table 605.4 by deleting in the parenthetical in the fifth row, first column after the words “Copper or copper-alloy tubing” the letters “M” and “WM”.

2.2122 Amend Subsection 605.16.2 by adding thereto after the words “above or below ground” the following sentence: “The use of all purpose glue is prohibited.”

2.2223 Amend Subsection 607.3 by adding thereto after the words “in accordance with Section 607.3.1 and 607.3.2” the following: “All public water installations shall be required to have an expansion tank installed.”

2.2324 Amend Subsection 608.3 by adding thereto a new subsection after subsection 608.3.1 to read: “608.3.2 Special equipment, water supply protection. There shall be sufficient space around special equipment for accessibility.”

2.2425 Amend Subsection 903.2 by adding thereto after the first sentence the following sentence: “The stack shall be no less than 2 inches in diameter.”

2.2526 Amend Subsection 903.3 by deleting the words “or to a stack-type air admittance valve in accordance with Section 917.”

2.2627 Amend Subsection 912.1 by deleting the last sentence in its entirety.

2.2728 Amend Subsection 917.1 by adding thereto after the last sentence the following: “Air admittance valves shall be approved by the Deputy Code Official prior to use or installation.”

2.2829 Amend Section 919 by deleting the section in its entirety.

2.2930 Amend Subsection 1003.3.4 by adding thereto in the last sentence after the words “shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions” the following: “or be otherwise approved by the Code Official.”

2.3031 Amend Chapter 12 by deleting the Chapter in its entirety.

3.0 Miscellaneous Provisions

3.1 Procedures for License. Every person desiring to register as a plumber engaged in the business of plumbing in the State of Delaware shall file an application with the Delaware Division of Professional Regulation.

3.2 Variances

3.2.1 Permission for a variance. Upon receipt of a written application for a variance, the Deputy Code Official may recommend granting written permission to vary from particular provisions set forth in these Regulations, when the extent of the variation is clearly specified and it is documented to the Secretary of the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services or his/her appointed designee’s satisfaction that: Such variation is necessary to obtain a beneficial use of an existing facility; The variation is necessary to prevent a practical difficulty or unnecessary hardship; and Appropriate alternative measures have been taken to protect the health and safety of the public and assure that the purpose of the provisions from which the variation is sought will be observed.

3.2.2 Time for recommendation. Within thirty (30) business days of the receipt of a written application for a variance, the Deputy Code Official shall recommend either: granting the variance, denying the variance or requesting further information from the applicant.

3.2.3 Appeal of denial. If the applicant has been denied a variance upon the recommendation of the Deputy Code Official, the applicant may appeal the decision by filing a written Notice of Appeal to the Secretary of the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services, or his/her designee.

4.0 Special Provisions Regarding Plumbing For Food Establishments

4.1 Scope. These Special Provisions shall be followed in addition to and shall not supersede the International Plumbing Code, the Delaware Food Code or these Regulations.

4.2 Use of Licensed Plumber. All plumbing shall be installed by a licensed plumber under a valid, current plumbing permit in accordance with these Regulations.

4.3 Water Supply and Sewage Disposal

4.3.1 No further evaluation. Water Supply and Sewage Disposal Facilities served by a public water supply and sewage system do not require further evaluation.

4.3.2 Private wells. Private wells must comply with chemical and bacteriological standards; a satisfactory analysis is required before an operating permit may be issued.

4.3.3 Individual systems. Individual sewage disposal systems require the approval of the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control prior to operating the food establishment.

4.4 Backflow Prevention

4.4.1 Air gap, supply. An air gap between the water supply and the flood rim level of the plumbing fixture, equipment, or nonfood equipment shall be at least twice the diameter of the water supply inlet and may not be less than 25 mm (1 inch). (See also DE Food Code, §5.202).

4.4.2 Air gap, drainage. A direct connection may not exist between the sewage system and a drain originating from equipment in which food, portable equipment, or utensils are placed, except that this requirement does not apply to floor drains that originate in refrigerated spaces that are constructed as an integral part of the building, and except that this requirement does not apply to a warewashing machine with a direct connection between its waste outlet and a floor drain when the machine is located within 1.5 m (5 feet) of a trapped floor drain and the machine outlet is connected to the inlet side of a properly vented floor drain trap. Equipment and fixtures utilized for the storage, preparation and handling of food shall discharge through an indirect waste pipe by means of an air gap. (See also IPC2009 § 802.1.1).

4.4.3 Floor drains. Floor drains located within walk-in refrigerators or freezers in food establishments shall be indirectly connected to the sanitary drainage system by means of an air gap except as allowed in IPC2009 § (See also IPC2009, § 802.1.2)

4.4.4 Backflow prevention device. A backflow or back siphonage prevention device installed on a water supply system shall meet American Society of Sanitary Engineering (ASSE) standards for construction, installation, maintenance, inspection, and testing for that specific application and type of device. (See also DE Food Code, § 5-202.14).

4.4.5 Plumbing fixtures. The supply lines or fittings for every plumbing fixture shall be installed so as to prevent backflow. Plumbing fixture fittings shall provide backflow protection in accordance with ASSE A112.18.1. (See also IPC2009, § 608.2).

4.4.6 Devices, appliances. All devices that connect to the water supply shall be provided with protection against backflow. This includes devices used for food preparation and processing, steamers, the storage of ice or food, warewashing machines, and other food service equipment. (See also IPC2009, § 608.3)

4.4.7 Hose connections. Sillcocks, hose bibs, wall hydrants and other openings with a hose connection shall be protected by an atmospheric-type or pressure-type vacuum breaker or a permanently attached hose connection vacuum breaker. This subsection does not apply to water heater drain valve or clothes washing machines. (See also IPC2009, § 608.15.4.2).

4.4.8 Beverage dispensers. The water supply connection to carbonated beverage dispensers shall be protected against backflow by a backflow preventer conforming to ASSE 1022 or by an air gap. The portion of the backflow preventer device downstream from the second check valve and the piping downstream therefrom shall not be affected by carbon dioxide gas. (See also IPC2009, § 608.16.1).

4.5 Utility Service Installation

4.5.1 Installation location. Utility lines including gas, plumbing and electrical shall be installed inside walls, above ceilings or below floors whenever structurally practical, and in accordance with applicable code requirements. Front of wall lines. If lines are run in front of walls, lines shall be installed with stand-off brackets or other secure mounting method, such that a minimum clearance of one inch (1”) exists between line and wall. No floor installation. Exposed horizontal utility service, including water supply and drain lines, may not be installed on the floor.

4.6 Joint Sealing

4.6.1 Joint sealing. Joints formed by fixtures in contact with walls or floors shall be sealed with an approved sealant. Where installation does not allow access for cleaning, fixtures shall be sealed to walls or adjoining equipment. Where not structurally practical, a minimum gap of one inch (1”) shall exist between the fixture and walls or adjoining equipment.

4.7 Toilet Facilities

4.7.1 Number required. At least one (1) toilet and not fewer than the toilets required by law shall be provided. If authorized by law and urinals are substituted for toilets, the substitution shall be done as specified by law. (See also DE Food Code, § 5-203.12).

4.7.2 Handwashing facility. A handwashing facility shall be located in, or immediately adjacent to, toilet rooms. (See also DE Food Code, § 5-204.11).

4.7.3 Toilet room. A toilet room shall be completely enclosed and provided with a tight-fitting and self-closing door, except that this requirement does not apply where a toilet room is located outside a food establishment and does not open directly into the food establishment such as a toilet room that is provided by the management of a shopping mall. (See also DE Food Code, § 6-202.14). Location. Toilet rooms shall be conveniently located and accessible to employees during all hours of operation (See also DE Food Code, § 6-402-11).

4.8 Sinks

4.8.1 Water supply. All sinks shall be supplied with hot and cold running water under pressure.

4.8.2 Splashguard Dividers. Where less than 18 inches lateral separation exists between sinks and adjacent fixtures, food contact surfaces or open storage shelving, a splashguard divider constructed of a material which is durable, easily cleanable, non-toxic and impervious to moisture shall be installed; such divider may be wall-attached or fixture-attached, and shall extend outward to the leading edge of the sink and extend vertically a minimum of 18 inches above the level plane of the sink bowl.

4.8.3 Handwashing sinks. These fixtures, when located in food preparation, food dispensing, beverage dispensing (including bar service area), food storage and warewashing areas, must be certified or classified under an approved industry standard for food equipment, such as NSF International, ETL Sanitation, UL for Sanitation, BISSC, or equivalent. Separate sink required. A separate, single-compartment handwashing sink is REQUIRED in food preparation, food dispensing, and warewashing areas; and in, or immediately adjacent to, toilet rooms. Handsinks shall be installed within 25 travel feet within a direct line access of each primary work location. Temperature. Tempered water temperature at a minimum of 100oF and a maximum of 110oF, delivered through a mixing valve or combination faucet, is REQUIRED. Faucets. If installed, self-closing, slow-closing, or metering faucets shall provide a flow of water for at least 15 seconds without the need to reactivate the faucet. No other purpose. A handwashing sink may not be used for any other purpose.

4.9 Food Preparation Sinks

4.9.1 Food preparation sinks. Any sink in which food is washed or thawed under running water as part of the food preparation process must be certified or classified under an approved industry standard for food equipment, such as NSF International, ETL Sanitation, UL for Sanitation, BISSC, or equivalent.

4.9.2 No disposal. A food preparation sink may not be used for disposal of mop water or liquid wastes.

4.9.3 Required indirect drain line. An indirect drain line connection through an air-gap is REQUIRED.

4.9.4 Grease trap connection. Connection to a properly sized grease trap is REQUIRED.

4.9.5 Multiple compartments. If a food preparation sink has two or more compartments, a separate wasteline connection from each sink compartment through an air gap into a floor sink is REQUIRED.

4.10 Warewashing Sinks

4.10.1 Industry standard. Warewashing sinks must be certified or classified under an approved industry standard for food equipment, such as NSF International, ETL Sanitation, UL for Sanitation, BISSC, or equivalent.

4.10.2 Three compartments. A sink of at least three separate compartments with covered corners and integral drainboards at each end shall be provided for manually washing, rinsing and sanitizing equipment and utensils. Each sink compartment shall be large enough to accommodate the immersion of the largest equipment item or utensil. A chemical test kit that matches the type of sanitizing agent in use is required in the warewashing area.

4.10.3 No handwashing or disposal. A warewashing sink may not be used for handwashing or disposal of liquid wastes.

4.10.4 Grease trap connection. Connection to a properly sized grease trap is REQUIRED.

4.10.5 Alternative use provision for warewashing sink. If the warewashing sink will be used for washing or thawing food, a separate wasteline connection from each sink compartment through an air-gap into a floor sink is REQUIRED. The installation of a properly sized grease trap downstream of the floor sink is REQUIRED. Alternative use of a warewashing sink for food preparation requires prior approval from the Delaware Division of Public Health.

4.11 Service Sinks (for use as a janitorial sink, utility sink or mop sink)

4.11.1 Installation location. Wherever practical, fixture service sink must be installed outside of the food preparation, food dispensing, food storage and warewashing areas.

4.11.2 Industry standard. Service sinks, when located in food preparation, food dispensing, food storage and warewashing areas, must be certified or classified under an approved industry standard for food equipment, such as NSF International, ETL Sanitation, UL for Sanitation, BISSC, or equivalent.

4.11.3 Minimum number required. A minimum of one service sink or receptor is REQUIRED on each floor level of food operations. This fixture may be a sink or a curbed receptor.

4.11.4 Dual use. The dual use of a utility sink as a handwashing sink is not approved in new construction, conversion of a structure to a food establishment, nor remodeling of an existing facility.

4.11.5 Grease trap connection. Connection to a grease trap is not required.

4.12 Prewash Sinks.

4.12.1 Industry standard. Prewash sinks must be certified or classified under an approved industry standard for food equipment, such as NSF International, ETL Sanitation, UL for Sanitation, BISSC, or equivalent.

4.12.2 Grease trap connection. Connection to a properly sized grease trap is REQUIRED.

4.12.3 Food waste grinder. If a food waste grinder is installed on fixture prewash sink, the grease trap must be designed and rated for such application, or a solids interceptor is required upstream of the grease trap.

4.13 Mechanical Warewasher

4.13.1 Industry standard. Mechanical warewashers must be certified or classified under an approved industry standard for food equipment, such as NSF International, ETL Sanitation, UL for Sanitation, or equivalent.

4.13.2 Warewashing machine. A warewashing machine, using hot water or a chemical rinse to sanitize, may be installed. Large cookware which does not fit into the machine must be sanitized in a three compartment sink. Facilities without a three compartment sink whose warewashers are found functioning improperly may be directed to temporarily close until the machine is repaired. If a chemical sanitizing agent is used, a test kit that matches the chemical sanitizing agent is required.

4.13.3 Grease trap connection. Connection to a grease trap is NOT APPROVED due to high temperature, pressure and detergents.

4.13.4 Indirect drainline connection. An indirect drainline connection through an air-gap is REQUIRED. (See paragraph below for alternative installation provision.)

4.14 Alternative Installation Provision

4.14.1 Alternative installation provision for mechanical warewasher. If approved by the Delaware Division of Public Health, a direct drainline connection may be installed if the machine wastewater outlet is located within five feet of a properly trapped vented floor drain and the machine outlet is connected to the inlet side of the same properly vented floor drain trap.

4.15 Water Heater

4.15.1 Hot water supply. The water heater shall be sized to provide hot water as required to supply both the continuous requirements and the hourly peak demands of the facility. The continuous and hourly demands are based on the type of equipment and number of fixtures consuming hot water as required for food operations.

4.15.2 Total availability. The total hot water availability in gallons per hour (gph) from a water heater is the sum of the unit storage capacity plus the recovery rate at a 100×F rise.

4.15.3 Minimum storage capacity. A fuel-fired (gas or oil) water heater in a food establishment shall have a minimum storage capacity of thirty (30) gallons; an electric water heater shall have a minimum storage capacity of forty (40) gallons. Storage capacities larger than the minimum shall be required, based on the type of equipment and number of fixtures consuming hot water.

4.16 Grease Trap

4.16.1 Sizing. The grease trap must be sized in accordance with PDI standard G101.

4.16.2 Grease trap connection. Connection to a properly sized grease trap is REQUIRED for all fixtures that discharge grease-laden waste, e.g. warewashing sinks, food prep sinks, pre-wash sinks for warewashers, woks, and other cooking equipment.

4.16.3 Sizing procedures. Follow these procedures for sizing a grease trap to a specific fixture: Determine the liquid volume of the fixture in cubic inches (cu in) draining to the grease trap. Determine the liquid capacity of the fixture in gallons (gal). Determine the actual drainage load (75% of fixture capacity). Determine the unit flow rate minimum for drainage period of 2 minutes. Determine the unit liquid holding capacity minimum (40% of fixture capacity). Select a unit corresponding to minimum unit flow rate and liquid holding capacity.

Table 4.16.3a


Select a grease trap for a three compartment warewashing sink with bowl dimensions

of 18” W x 24” L x 12” D

1. Volume = (18in x 24in x 12in) x 3 cmpts = (5,184 cu in) x 3 = 15,552 cubic inches

2. Capacity = Volume (cu in) / 231 (cu in/gal) = 15,552 / 231 = 67.3 gallons

3. Drainage load = 67.3 gal x 0.75 = 50.4, or approx. 50 gallons

4. Unit flow rate minimum = 50 gallons / 2 minutes = 25 gallons per minute (gpm)

Unit liquid holding capacity minimum = 67.3 x 0.40 = 26.9 gallons

5. Select a grease trap with a minimum flow rate equal to or greater than 25 gpm

The selected trap also must have a minimum liquid holding capacity of 26.9 gal.

Table 4.16.3b


Bold column at far right applies PDI G101 formula to calculate minimum required grease trap flow rate in gallons per minute (gpm).

Width (in)

Length (in)

Depth (in)

Volume (cuin)

Volume (gal)

No of cmpts

Total vol (gal)

Working vol (75%)

Min Flow Rate (gpm)




W x L x D = Vc

Vc / 231 = Vg


Vg x #C = Vtg

Vtg x 0.75 = Vw

Vw / 2min = MFR









































































































































14 DE Reg. 517 (12/01/10) (Prop.)