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governor’s office






Number 21: Reauthorizing the Delaware Homeland Security Advisory Council with an "All Hazards, All Persons" Approach

WHEREAS, on September 11, 2001, the United States was attacked by a foreign enemy intent on weakening its national infrastructure, institutions, and resolve through the application of terrorism; and

WHEREAS, the magnitude and nature of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, the anthrax crisis, and the resulting national alerts led governors to initiate unprecedented efforts to implement comprehensive state-based strategies to prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from terrorist attacks; and

WHEREAS, since September 11, 2001, our nation and our state have learned valuable lessons from major catastrophic events such as Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, and the state continues to improve its overall preparedness for emergency events, including Nor'easters and heavy rain and snowfall; and

WHEREAS, the variety of threats to our state requires recognition that homeland security is interested in not only acts of terrorism, but all events that may cause disruption to society, be they man made or natural; and

WHEREAS, the State of Delaware, through the efforts of numerous persons representing the private sector, municipalities, counties, and state and federal agencies, has revised and upgraded the Delaware Emergency Operations Plan; and

WHEREAS, the Delaware Homeland Security Advisory Council has taken a leadership role in incorporating advice and input from its members in the development of appropriate strategies to address risks from terrorism and other threats to the security of Delaware's citizens; and

WHEREAS, it is appropriate to broaden the focus of the Delaware Homeland Security Advisory Council to include an “All Hazards, All Persons” approach to promoting and protecting the citizens, visitors, and infrastructure of the State of Delaware.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, JACK A. MARKELL, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Governor of the State of Delaware, do hereby DECLARE and ORDER that:

1. The Delaware Homeland Security Advisory Council (hereinafter, the "Council”) is continued to preserve and protect the citizens, visitors, and infrastructure of the State of Delaware utilizing an “All Hazards, All Persons” approach.

2. The Council shall be comprised of the following members:

(a) The Secretary of the Department of Safety and Homeland Security, who shall serve as chair;

(b) The Homeland Security Advisor for the Department of Safety and Homeland Security;

(c) The Adjutant General of the Delaware National Guard, or a designee appointed by the Adjutant General;

(d) The Chief Information Officer of the State of Delaware, or a designee appointed by the CIO;

(e) The Secretary of the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, or a designee appointed by the Secretary;

(f) The Secretary of the Delaware Department of Transportation, or a designee appointed by the Secretary;

(g) The Secretary of the Delaware Department of Education, or a designee appointed by the Secretary;

(h) The Secretary of the Delaware Department of Agriculture, or a designee appointed by the Secretary;

(i) The Commissioner of the Department of Correction, or a designee appointed by the Commissioner;

(j) The Superintendent of the Delaware State Police, or a designee appointed by the Superintendent;

(k) The Director of the Division of Public Health, or a designee appointed by the Director;

(l) The Director of the Delaware Emergency Management Agency, or a designee appointed by the Director;

(m) The Director of the Division of Motor Vehicles, or a designee appointed by the Director;

(n) The Executive Secretary of the Delaware Volunteer Firefighters’ Association, or a designee appointed by the Executive Secretary;

(o) The Chair of the Delaware Police Chiefs’ Council, or a designee appointed by the Chair;

(p) The President of the League of Local Governments, or a designee appointed by the League's President; and

(q) Other representatives from federal, state, and local governments, private sector partners, academia, and emergency service organizations, as recommended by the Secretary of Safety and Homeland Security and appointed by the Governor.

3. The purpose of the Council shall be to provide advice, counsel and assistance to the Secretary of Safety and Homeland Security and the Homeland Security Advisor concerning:

(a) The prevention, detection, preparation for, protection against, response to, and recovery from terrorist threats, attacks, man-made or natural catastrophic incidents and events that may cause disruption to citizens, visitors and infrastructure of the State of Delaware using an “All Hazards, All Persons” approach;

(b) Providing advice and counsel to the state-designated fusion center, as required under U.S. Department of Homeland Security “Fusion Center Baseline Capabilities;”

(c) The exchange of intelligence, information and analysis concerning homeland security and the events listed in subsection (a) above;

(d) Interoperability of equipment, technologies, and partnering agencies as they pertain to subsection (a) above;

(e) The integration and maximization of federal grant funding relating to homeland security, including compliance with U.S. Department of Homeland Security Grant Program requirements;

(f) The dissemination of information to the citizens of Delaware, the private sector and other partnering agencies as they pertain to subsection (a) above;

(g) Interaction and coordination between the Secretary of Safety and Homeland Security and other executive agencies;

(h) Homeland security planning, except as specifically assigned to another entity by statutory or executive order; and

(i) Other matters of homeland security, as determined by the Secretary of Safety and Homeland Security or the Homeland Security Advisor.

4. The Council shall meet at the direction of the Secretary of Safety and Homeland Security. The Secretary of Safety and Homeland Security, in concert with the Homeland Security Advisor, shall be responsible for determining the agenda of the Council meetings. For administrative purposes, the Council will be located within the Department of Safety and Homeland Security, which shall provide staff support to the Council.

5. Executive Order Number Forty-Six, issued by Governor Ruth Ann Minner, is hereby rescinded.

APPROVED this 12th day of October, 2010

Jack A. Markell,

