Office of the Secretary
Amendment to Secretary’s Order No.: 2018-P-0030
109 Regulations Governing the Guidelines to Evaluate Land Being Considered for Permanent Protection
*Please Note: The Secretary's Order that approved Final Regulations of 7 DE Admin. Code 109, Regulations Governing the Guidelines to Evaluate Land Being Considered/or Permanent Protection, as published in the June 1, 2018 issue of the Delaware Register of Regulations (21 DE Reg. 986) by the State Registrar's Office, contained the following clerical errors:
(1) Under the first section of the Order, "Background, Procedural History and Findings of Fact", the first sentence of the second paragraph contains a numbering error. The sentence containing the error is reprinted below, with the error corrected:
The entities of the State that are eligible to purchase land through the Open Space Program are as follows: (1) the DNREC Division of Parks and Recreation; (2) the DNREC Division of Fish and Wildlife; (3) the Department of Agriculture· (4) the Delaware Forest Service; and (5) the Department of Agriculture, Delaware Forest Service; and (4) the Department of State Division of Historic and Cultural Affairs.
(2) Under the same aforementioned section of the Order, the last sentence of the third paragraph also contains a clerical error. The sentence containing the error is reprinted below, with the error correction:
During the process of amending the LPA in 2016, legislators decided the best way to incorporate public comment was through notice and public hearing, pursuant to the Administrative Procedures Act ("APA"), pursuant to 29 Del.C. Del.C. Chapter 101, Subchapter II.
The regulatory text itself, as previously published by the State Registrar as referenced above, is accurate.
Shawn M. Garvin
June 30, 2018