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Calendar of Events/Hearing Notices



August 2017



The Delaware River Basin Commission will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, August 16, 2017 beginning at 1:30 p.m. at the Washington Crossing Historic Park Visitor Center, 1112 River Road, Washington Crossing, Pennsylvania. A business meeting will be held the following month on Wednesday, September 13, 2017 beginning at 10:30 a.m. The business meeting location could not be confirmed as of the deadline for this notice. The hearing and meeting are open to the public. For more information, including the business meeting location, visit the DRBC web site at or contact Pamela M. Bush, Commission Secretary and Assistant General Counsel, at 609‑883-9500 extension 203 and



The State Board of Education will hold its monthly meeting on Thursday, August 17, 2017 at 1:00 p.m. in the Townsend Building, Dover, Delaware.


Office of Unclaimed Property, State Escheator


104 Department of Finance Abandoned or Unclaimed Property Reporting and Examination Manual

104 Department of Finance Abandoned or Unclaimed Property Reporting and Examination Manual

In compliance with the State's Administrative Procedures Act (Title 29, Chapter 101 of the Delaware Code) and under the authority of 12 Del.C. §1132, the Delaware Department of Finance's Office of Unclaimed Property, State Escheator, proposes to revise and replace its regulations related to its Abandoned or Unclaimed Property Law.

In accordance with 29 Del.C. §10116, persons wishing to submit written comments, suggestions, briefs, and compilations of data or other materials concerning the proposed regulations should direct them to the following address:

David M. Gregor

State Escheator

Department of Finance

820 N. French St.

Wilmington, DE 19801

Notice may also be directed via electronic mail to Any written submission in response to this notice and relevant to the proposed regulations must be received by the Department of Finance no later than 4:00 p.m. EST, Thursday, August 31, 2017.


Division of Medicaid and Medical Assistance


Dental Fee Schedule

Dental Fee Schedule

In compliance with the State's Administrative Procedures Act (APA - Title 29, Chapter 101 of the Delaware Code), 42 CFR §447.205, and under the authority of Title 31 of the Delaware Code, Chapter 5, Section 512, Delaware Health and Social Services (DHSS) / Division of Medicaid and Medical Assistance (DMMA) is proposing to amend Title XIX Medicaid State Plan regarding Dental Rates, specifically, to reduce dental service rates.

Any person who wishes to make written suggestions, compilations of data, testimony, briefs or other written materials concerning the proposed new regulations must submit same to, Planning, Policy and Quality Unit, Division of Medicaid and Medical Assistance, 1901 North DuPont Highway, P.O. Box 906, New Castle, Delaware 19720-0906, by email to, or by fax to 302-255-4413 by August 31, 2017. Please identify in the subject line: Dental Fee Schedule.

The action concerning the determination of whether to adopt the proposed regulation will be based upon the results of Department and Division staff analysis and the consideration of the comments and written materials filed by other interested persons.

Division of Medicaid and Medical Assistance


Prescription Assistance

Prescription Assistance

In compliance with the State's Administrative Procedures Act (APA - Title 29, Chapter 101 of the Delaware Code), 42 CFR §447.205, and under the authority of Title 31 of the Delaware Code, Chapter 5, Section 512, Delaware Health and Social Services (DHSS) / Division of Medicaid and Medical Assistance (DMMA) is proposing to amend the Delaware Social Services Manual (DSSM) regarding Prescription Assistance, specifically, to eliminate the Delaware Prescription Drug Payment Assistance Program.

Any person who wishes to make written suggestions, compilations of data, testimony, briefs or other written materials concerning the proposed new regulations must submit same to, Planning, Policy and Quality Unit, Division of Medicaid and Medical Assistance, 1901 North DuPont Highway, P.O. Box 906, New Castle, Delaware 19720-0906, by email to, or by fax to 302-255-4413 by August 31, 2017. Please identify in the subject line: Prescription Assistance.

The action concerning the determination of whether to adopt the proposed regulation will be based upon the results of Department and Division staff analysis and the consideration of the comments and written materials filed by other interested persons.


Division of Waste and Hazardous Substances


1301 Regulations Governing Solid Waste

1301 Regulations Governing Solid Waste

To provide greater environmental protection and to reduce human health risks, the Solid and Hazardous Waste Management Section (SHWMS) proposes to adopt federal requirements regarding the management of Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR), to modify outdated or obsolete solid waste regulations, to add clarifying language for Industrial Landfills, and to correct typographical errors.

The hearing record on the proposed changes to DRGSW will be open August 1, 2017. Individuals may submit written comments regarding the proposed changes via email to or via USPS to Alison Kiliszek, DNREC-SHWMS, 89 Kings Highway, Dover, DE 19901. A public hearing on the proposed amendments to DRGSW will be held on Wednesday, August 30, 2017 beginning at 6:00 p.m. in the DNREC Auditorium, located at the Richardson and Robbins Building, 89 Kings Highway, Dover, DE.

Office of the Secretary


109 Regulations Governing the Guidelines to Evaluate Land Being Considered for Permanent Protection

109 Regulations Governing the Guidelines to Evaluate Land Being Considered for Permanent Protection

As a result of amendments to the Land Protection Act, effective August 3, 2016, the Guidelines to Evaluate Land Being Considered for Permanent Protection, last updated 12/7/16, currently being used by staff to support the Open Space Program must go through notice and public hearing pursuant to 29 Del.C. Ch. 101. The Regulations were published in the March 1, 2017 Delaware Register of Regulations and a public hearing was held on March 23, 2017. As a result of comments received for the public hearing, there has been some clarifying language inserted in the Regulations and associated Guidelines.

The hearing record on the proposed amendments to the Regulations Governing the Guidelines to Evaluate Land Being Considered for Permanent Protection will be re-opened August 1, 2017 for a 30-day public comment period ending close of business August 31, 2017. Individuals may submit written comments regarding the revisions to the proposed amendments via e-mail to or via the USPS to Lisa Vest, Hearing Officer, DNREC, 89 Kings Highway, Dover, DE 19901 (302) 739-9042.


Division of Family Services

Office of Child Care Licensing


101 DELACARE: Regulations for Early Care and Education and School-Age Centers

101 DELACARE: Regulations for Early Care and Education and School-Age Centers

The Office of Child Care Licensing (OCCL) proposes to amend Sections 4.0 and 60.1 of the DELACARE: Regulations for Early Care and Education and School-Age Centers to require each center to have a staff member on site at all times who is permitted to administer medications. Currently, Section 60.1 does not require an individual with a valid Administration of Medication certificate to be on site during all hours of operation. By amending these regulations, the needs of children requiring medication (with parent/guardian permission) while in child care will be met, consistent with the principals of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Interested parties wishing to offer comments, suggestions, data, briefs, or other materials concerning the proposed regulation may submit them to the Office of Child Care Licensing, Division of Family Services, Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families, 3411 Silverside Road, Hagley Building, Wilmington, Delaware, 19810, Attention: Kelly McDowell or email them to Kelly McDowell at by the close of business on August 31, 2017.

Division of Family Services

Office of Child Care Licensing


103 Regulations for Family and Large Family Child Care Homes

103 Regulations for Family and Large Family Child Care Homes

The Office of Child Care Licensing (OCCL) proposes to amend Sections 4.0,, 14.4.13, and 33.1 of the DELACARE: Regulations for Family and Large Family Child Care Homes to require each home to have a staff member on site at all times who is permitted to administer medications. Currently, child care regulations require applicants or providers to have administration of medication certification only if they choose to give medications in their licensed child care home. By amending these regulations, the needs of children requiring medication (with parent/guardian permission) while in child care will be met, consistent with the principles of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Interested parties wishing to offer comments, suggestions, data, briefs, or other materials concerning the proposed regulation may submit them to the Office of Child Care Licensing, Division of Family Services, Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families, 3411 Silverside Road, Hagley Building, Wilmington, Delaware, 19810, Attention: Kelly McDowell or email them to Kelly McDowell at by the close of business on August 31, 2017.


Division of Professional Regulation

3800 Board of Dietetics/Nutrition


The Delaware Board of Dietetics/Nutrition, pursuant to 24 Del.C. §3805(1), proposes to revise its regulations. The proposed amendments to the regulations seek to clarify and provide more detailed information regarding the use of telehealth for the provision of dietetics and nutrition services.

The Board will hold a public hearing on the proposed rule change on November 10, 2017 at 1:30 p.m., in the Second Floor Conference Room B, Cannon Building, 861 Silver Lake Blvd., Dover, DE 19904. Written comments should be sent to LaTonya Brown, Administrator of the Delaware Board of Dietetics/Nutrition, Cannon Building, 861 Silver Lake Blvd, Dover, DE 19904. Written comments will be accepted until November 27, 2017.

Division of Professional Regulation

5200 Board of Examiners of Nursing Home Administrators


Pursuant to 24 Del.C. §5206(1), the Delaware Board of Nursing Home Administrators has proposed revisions to its rules and regulations. The rules pertaining to crimes substantially related to the practice of nursing home administration are amended as well as provisions on examination.

A public hearing will be held on September 12, 2017 at 1 p.m. in the second floor conference room B of the Cannon Building, 861 Silver Lake Boulevard, Dover, Delaware, where members of the public can offer comments on the amendments to the rules and regulations. Anyone wishing to receive a copy of the proposed rules and regulations may obtain a copy from the Delaware Board of Nursing Home Administrators, 861 Silver Lake Boulevard, Dover, Delaware 19904. Persons wishing to submit written comments may forward these to the Board at the above address in accordance with 29 Del.C. §10118(a) no later than September 28, 2017.
