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Office of the Secretary

Statutory Authority: 14 Delaware Code, Section 1270 (14 Del.C. §1270)
14 DE Admin. Code 115


Regulatory Implementing Order

115 School Level Administrator Appraisal Process

I. Summary of the Evidence and Information Submitted

The Secretary of Education seeks the consent of the State Board of Education to repeal 14 DE Admin. Code 115 School Level Administrator Appraisal Process. This regulation is replaced by 14 DE Admin Code 108 Administrator Appraisal Process Delaware Performance Appraisal System (DPAS II). The new Delaware Performance Appraisal System (DPAS II) has been phased in over the past two years and shall be effective for all public school districts and charter schools beginning with the 2008-2009 school year. This regulation is no longer needed.

Notice of the proposed regulation was published in the News Journal and the Delaware State News on Tuesday, June 3, 2008, in the form hereto attached as Exhibit "A". The Department did not receive comments on this regulation.

II. Findings of Facts

The Secretary finds that it is appropriate to repeal 14 DE Admin. Code 115 School Level Administrator Appraisal Process because it is being replaced by 14 DE Admin Code 108 Administrator Appraisal Process Delaware Performance Appraisal System (DPAS II).

III. Decision to Amend the Regulation

For the foregoing reasons, the Secretary concludes that it is appropriate to repeal 14 DE Admin. Code 115 School Level Administrator Appraisal Process. Therefore, pursuant to 14 Del.C. §122, 14 DE Admin. Code 115 School Level Administrator Appraisal Process attached hereto as Exhibit "B" is hereby repealed. Pursuant to the provision of 14 Del.C. §122(e), 14 DE Admin. Code 115 School Level Administrator Appraisal Process is hereby repealed with the effective date of this order as set forth in Section V. below.

IV. Text and Citation

The text of 14 DE Admin. Code 115 School Level Administrator Appraisal Process repealed hereby shall be in the form attached hereto as Exhibit "B", and said regulation shall be cited as 14 DE Admin. Code Repealed 115 School Level Administrator Appraisal Process in the Administrative Code of Regulations for the Department of Education.

V. Effective Date of Order

The actions hereinabove referred to were taken by the Secretary pursuant to 14 Del.C. §122 on July 17, 2008. The effective date of this Order shall be ten (10) days from the date this Order is published in the Delaware Register of Regulations.

IT IS SO ORDERED the 17th day of July 2008.


Valerie A. Woodruff, Secretary of Education

Approved this 17th day of July 2008


Jean W. Allen, President

Richard M. Farmer, Jr., Vice President

G. Patrick Heffernan

Jorge L. Melendez

Barbara Rutt

Dennis J. Savage

Dr. Terry M. Whittaker

115 School Level Administrator Appraisal Process

1.0 School Level Administrator Appraisal Process Effective August 1, 1990

1.1 Within a two (2) year appraisal cycle, the appraisal system includes a minimum of three (3) formative conferences/reports and a summative appraisal and conference. However, a district can opt to shorten the length of the appraisal cycle to one (1) year provided the summative appraisal is supported by a minimum of one (1) formative conference and report.

1.2 The formative phase of the appraisal system shall consist of a precycle conference, data collection and formative conferences/reports.

1.3 The following eight (8) categories of criteria shall be the basis upon which, as a minimum, the performance of school level administrators is appraised.

1.3.1 Mission and Objectives, the administrator’s role in establishing the direction for the school.

1.3.2 Instructional School Program, the development, implementation and evaluation of programs.

1.3.3 Student Performance and Behavior, the administrator’s role in setting and promoting positive expectations for student achievement and behavior.

1.3.4 Supervision, the administrator’s role in monitoring, assessment, and helping to improve the performance of staff assigned to his/her school.

1.3.5 Building Management, the administrator’s assigned managerial role.

1.3.6 Problem Solving and Decision Making, the administrator’s ability to reach, communicate and implement logical conclusions and quality decisions.

1.3.7 Interpersonal Relations, the administrator’s ability to recognize and deal with the needs, concerns and problems of others.

1.3.8 School and Community Relations, the administrator’s role in creating positive relationships among the school, students, parents, and community.

1.4 The summative phase of the appraisal system shall be the evaluation component and will complete the appraisal cycle. The ratings for the summative phase shall be as follows:

1.4.1 Exemplary: Performance in a category indicates that the school level administrator could serve as a model for other school level administrators.

1.4.2 Effective: Performance in a category consistently meets district expectations.

1.4.3 Needs Improvement: Performance in a category is not consistently effective.

1.4.4 Unsatisfactory: Performance in a category is not effective and jeopardizes continued employment.

1.5 An Individual Improvement Plan shall be developed when a school level administrator’s performance in any category has been appraised as Needs Improvement or Unsatisfactory on a Summative Appraisal.

1.6 Appraisers and school level administrators shall sign all appraisal instruments indicating that the documents have been reviewed and discussed.

2.0 Written Plan Describing the Appraisal System

Each school district shall have a written plan describing its appraisal system for school-level administrators. The district plan may include a statement of assurance adopting the state system, or a district defined appraisal system.

2.1 School districts adopting the state system shall follow the procedures and use forms developed by the Department of Education for appraising administrator performance.

2.2 School districts electing to use an alternative administrative appraisal system shall include the following information:

2.2.1 Length of the appraisal cycle.

2.2.2 The number of formative conferences and reports that will be conducted.

2.2.3 Method of data collection for the formative phase.

2.2.4 How the criteria (1) Mission/Objectives, (2) Instructional/School Programs, (3) Student Performance and Behavior, (4) Supervision, (5) Building Management, (6) Problem Solving and Decision Making, (7) Interpersonal Relations, and (8) School and Community Relations will be addressed.

2.2.5 The performance ratings and definitions that will be used.

2.2.6 The process for promoting growth and improvement.

2.2.7 Copies of district policies, regulations, forms, and procedures relating to the alternative appraisal process.

2.3 The plan shall be submitted to the Department of Education for review and approval prior to September 1, 1990. Any changes or revisions to the approved district plan shall be submitted to the Department of Education for approval prior to implementation.

7 DE Reg. 1180 (3/1/04)