Title 7 Natural Resources and Environmental Control
3500 Tidal Finfish
3000 Division of Fish and Wildlife
3500 Tidal Finfish
River Herring
3553 River Herring Creel Limit
(Penalty Section 7 Del.C. 936(b)(2))
It shall be unlawful for any person to have in possession any blueback herring and/or alewife (Alosa aestivalis and/or Alosa pseudoharengus), collectively known as river herring, unless said person has a valid bill-of-sale or receipt from a state or jurisdiction where river herring harvest is lawful and that indicates the date said river herring were received, the number of said river herring received and the name, address and signature of the harvester who legally caught said river herring;, or a bill-of-sale or receipt from a person who is a licensed retailer and legally obtained said river herring for resale.
8 DE Reg. 1315 (3/1/05)
11 DE Reg. 1259 (03/01/08)
15 DE Reg. 1179 (02/01/12)