5 Del.C. §2906(e)
Effective Date: April 11, 2014
A completed, signed report may be scanned and submitted by e-mail to bco_reports@state.de.us no later than July 31 and January 31.
Failure to submit this report when due will be a violation of this regulation. In addition, an examination may be scheduled and examination staff allocated without respect to the licensee’s volume of Delaware loans. This may result in additional examination costs.
1. Name of Licensee: ______________________________________________________
2. Is this a consolidated report? Yes _____ No _____
3. License No.:__________ (If consolidated, list all license numbers): _________________
4. List the address where the retail installment contract files are maintained:
5. Examination contact person’s name, title, phone number, fax number and e-mail address:
6. List the Delaware business conducted (number of contracts) in each of the following categories:
A. Contracts Executed: ____________________________
Total Dollar Value: $___________________________
B. Contracts Paid Off at Maturity: ____________________________
C. Contracts Paid Off Prior to Maturity: ____________________________
D. Applications Denied: ____________________________
E. Contracts in Litigation: ____________________________
F. Credit Life Insurance Claims: ____________________________
G. Credit A & H Insurance Claims: ____________________________
7. Reporting Period:____________________ to ____________________________
________ ____________________________ ________________________