Title 2 Transportation
Driver Services
2214 Waiver of Written Examinations for Certain New Residents (Formerly Reg. No. 84)
Whereas, most states require a written examination prior to the issuance of a driver's license to a new applicant; and
Whereas, these written examinations are basically the same in content for rules of the road; and
Whereas, innovative measures must be explored to reduce workloads and continue to provide good customer service; and
Whereas, the new Commercial Driver Licensing (CDL) law will require much of our licensing staff's time to administer lengthy written tests;
The following policy is adopted effective March 1, 1990:
The written examination shall be waved for new residents moving into Delaware (including military personnel being discharged and remaining in Delaware) provided.
1.1 A valid driver's license from another state is surrendered at the time of application for license; and
1.2 The applicant appears to be physically able to operate a motor vehicle; and
1.3 The applicant is not currently suspended or revoked in any jurisdiction.
The policy does not apply to a licensed driver from another country.
The Division reserves the right to administer a written test and/or a road skills test subject to the Examiner's discretion.